In 2019, Buchertech started our I.T. grant program. This program was established as a way for Buchertech to give back to the community that we have been blessed to work in since 2001.

The I.T. grant program was created to assist non-profits throughout the area that struggle to keep their I.T. current. With old and outdated systems, many non-profits operate as I.T. paupers. Our goal is to assist them with I.T. products and services which can help them with a specific need.

Our grants are up to $3,000 each. The annual program accepts grant applications in July & August. The grant winners are announced in October.

The goal is then to implement the grants during the 4th quarter of the year.

Since its inception, we have awarded over $52,000 in grants.

Buchertech is awarding up to $22,000 in IT products and services for Non-Profit Organizations

• Applications must be received by 8/31/2024 by submitting on the web or email to
• Grant winner(s) to be announced by early October, with implementation in Q4
• Buchertech requests the right to request a meeting with the finalists.
• IT products & services to be provided by Buchertech
• Must be a 501c3 non-profit
• Must be located in located in or near N.W.I.

Buchertech 2024 IT Grant Application